Pig Kidney Cells with mEmerald-EB3 and mCherry-H2B

This digital video sequence visualizes histone H2B in relation to the intracellular microtubule network in pig kidney epithelial cells (LLC-PK1 line). Microtubules were labeled with mEmerald fused to EB3, a microtubule end-binding protein. EB3 specifically associates with the positive, faster growing, side of microtubules. mEmerald is a variant of EGFP, an enhanced Aequorea derivative. mEmerald is both brighter and more photostable than its parent protein. Excitation and emission of mEmerald peak at 487 and 509 nanometers, respectively.
Histone H2B was visualized with mCherry. A red member of the mFruit series, mCherry was developed from mRFP1. The improved characteristics of mCherry, including better photostability and intrinsic brightness, have essentially rendered mRFP1 obsolete. Excitation and emission maxima of mCherry occur at 587 and 610 nanometers, respectively.