Welcome to the Zeiss Online Campus digital image galleries. In this section, our visitors can explore a large collection of digital images captured using a variety of contrast-enhancing microscopy techniques in both confocal and widefield illumination and detection modes. The cells and tissues displayed in the digital image gallery were either transfected with fluorescent protein vectors prior to imaging, or fixed and stained with synthetic fluorophores, often coupled to immunofluorescence techniques.
ZEISS ApoTome 3D Image Gallery - The ZEISS ApoTome employs structured illumination to generate optical sections of thick specimens that exhibit dramatically increased sharpness and contrast. The digital images in this gallery are reconstructions of animal and plant tissue optical sections acquired with the ApoTome coupled to a metal halide light source.
Fluorescent Protein Fusions Image Gallery - Fluorescent proteins are quite versatile imaging probes and have been successfully employed in virtually every biological discipline ranging from microbiology to systems physiology. The images in this gallery demonstrate localization of fusions between a variety of fluorescent proteins and targeting peptides or proteins.
Adherent Cells Fluorescence Image Gallery - Explore multiple staining using a variety of cell lines labeled with fluorophores that target specific organelles. Images were produced using a ZEISS Axio Imager upright microscope equipped with filter sets for ultraviolet, cyan, green, and yellow excitation with bandpass emission.
ZEISS LSM 700 Image Gallery - The LSM 700 laser scanning confocal microscope is a member of the seventh generation of confocal instruments from Carl Zeiss. The digital images presented in this gallery were obtained using a LSM 700 using a 40x apochromatic objective to examine tissue sections ranging in thickness between 10 and 40 micrometers.
Rodent Embryo Tissue Section Image Gallery - Much of what we have learned about human embryogenesis is derived from basic studies on embryonic development in the rodent, primarily mice and rats. The images in this gallery were captured with a ZEISS LSM 710 using rat and mouse tissue sections of 30-micrometer thickness.
Spinning Disk Microscopy Video Gallery - Many of the speed limitations associated with point-scanning confocal microscopes can be overcome by imaging the specimen with multiple excitation beams operating in parallel. The digital videos in this gallery were acquired using a Yokogawa CSU-X1 spinning disk unit coupled to a ZEISS Axio Observer.