Mouse Melanoma Cells with mEmerald-Fascin and mCherry-H2B

Cultured B16 mouse skin melanoma cells exhibiting mEmerald fused to fascin and mCherry fused to histone H2B are featured in the digital video sequences in this section. The murine B16 melanoma cell line is highly useful in testing immunotherapeutic protocols. B16 melanoma cells express some of the different melanoma-associated Ags that are potential targets for novel designs of therapeutic cancer vaccines. Their growth can be controlled in vivo by different types of specific or nonspecific immune effector cells.
The fluorescent protein fused to fascin, mEmerald, is a green variant of the enhanced Aequorea derivative EGFP. Peak excitation of mEmerald occurs at 487 nanometers and its peak emission is at 509 nanometers. The fluorescent protein fused to H2B, mCherry, is one of the most useful members of the mFruit series of fluorescent proteins that were developed through the directed evolution of mRFP1. Peak excitation and emission of mCherry take place at 587 and 610 nanometers, respectively.