David L. Spector and Robert D. Goldman
Basic Methods in Microscopy: Protocols and Concepts from Cells: A Laboratory Manual.  Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York (1st Edition). 375 pages (2005).

Imaging has become a vital tool for researchers in all aspects of biology. Recent advances in microscope technology, labeling techniques and gene and protein manipulation methods have led to breakthroughs in our understanding of biological processes. In order to take advantage of these techniques, biologists need to understand the fundamental techniques of microscopy. The methods found here, drawn from the popular laboratory standard manuals, Cells: A Laboratory Manual and Live Cell Imaging provide a solid course in the basics of using the microscope in a biology laboratory. Basic Methods in Microscopy provides an essential guide to light microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, confocal microscopy, multiphoton microscopy and electron microscopy, preparation of tissues and cells, labeling of specimens and analysis of cellular events. This manual is an important tool for any biology researcher employing imaging as a research method.